Clyde Bio | Cardiomyocyte Assay | Flipr Assay

The Cardiomyocyte Specialists


Clyde’s CellOPTIQ® platform generates human relevant cardiomyocyte functional data to enable faster, safer, and more accurate development of new medicines, reducing cost and increasing success

Clyde is the only validated CRO for the CiPA Assay


The Leading Cardiomyocyte Assay

for safety and efficacy


Clinically Relevant

Measures and interprets drug effects on cardiac cell function at clinically relevant doses

Eliminates Risk

Our unique technology is designed to eliminate risk at an earlier stage in development


The only assay to simultaneously measure voltage, calcium, and contractility in the same cells


The CellOPTIQ® Platform

One assay. Same Cells. Comprehensive & Consistent Data.

The CellOPTIQ assay simultaneously measures voltage, calcium and contractility in the same cells

The CellOPTIQ assay simultaneously measures voltage, calcium and contractility in the same cells



Cardiac Safety (CiPA)

The reliable, robust and predictive cardiomyocyte safety assay for identifying a broad spectrum of cardiovascular liabilities.

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Cardiac Drug Discovery

Comprehensive measurement of voltage, calcium and contractility for heart failure efficacy studies

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Extensively Validated


Clyde’s CellOPTIQ® platform has been validated in projects with the majority of large pharmaceutical companies, CiPA, HESI and the FDA.


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Start a study with Clyde

Clyde’s CellOPTIQ® has helped many of the world's best pharma companies solve complex problems more effectively and less expensively than doing so in-house.

Whether you have a current cardiovascular issue or alternatively would like to prevent late stage failures Clyde can help.

Most of our standard studies are completed within 2 weeks.

To enquire about how Clyde could help with your project complete the enquiry form below and we’ll be get back to you as soon as we can. Alternatively email us at

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